Parenthood is an incredible journey, filled with love, laughter, and, of course, the pursuit of the elusive perfect baby sleep. As parents, it’s only natural to want the best for our little ones, especially when it comes to their sleep.

However, let’s talk about the myth of perfect baby sleep and how striving for it can inadvertently lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety.

The Quest for Perfect Baby Sleep: A Mythical Journey


We’ve all been there—pouring our hearts into creating the ideal sleep environment, establishing routines, and meticulously tracking nap times. Yet, the pursuit of perfection can transform the normal ebbs and flows of a baby’s sleep into a source of anxiety. Instead of enjoying a well-deserved break during nap time, some parents find themselves nervously watching the clock, hoping each nap aligns perfectly with the supposed ideal.

Shifting Perspectives: Understanding the Reality


First and foremost, it’s crucial to acknowledge that there’s no such thing as perfect sleep—not for babies nor for us. Just like adults, babies have their good nights and challenging nights. Remember, your child is not a robot but a growing individual. 

In my work with 1:1 families, I consistently emphasize this point. Sleep is anything but linear; it’s a dynamic process with its fair share of peaks and valleys. 

 And you know what? That’s completely normal, and it’s absolutely OKAY!

Once you are aware of this, you can equip yourself with the right tools and strategies, so you can gracefully navigate through these changes. 

Practical Strategies for Easing Anxiety:


Understanding Sleep Patterns: Newborns, in their first few weeks of life, haven’t yet established a regular sleep-wake cycle. Recognize the normal irregularities and understand that it doesn’t reflect your competency as a parent.

As your little one grows, educate yourself on their sleep needs and how to best set them up for successful sleep. Timing is an important piece of the sleep puzzle!

Consistent Bedtime Rituals: Routines are a baby’s best friend. Create a calming bedtime ritual—be it a warm bath, a lullaby, or a bedtime story. Consistency matters more than perfection in creating a safe and soothing sleep environment. Make sure it is enjoyable for all of you.

Let Go of the Sleep Log: In the pursuit of perfect baby sleep, some parents turn to meticulous sleep logging. While tracking sleep patterns can be informative, it’s essential to recognize when it starts causing anxiety. If logging becomes a source of stress, consider taking a break. Trust your instincts and focus on creating a nurturing environment rather than fixating on perfection.

Embrace the “Pause”: The “pause” technique involves resisting the urge to rush in when your baby stirs. We often assume that the first sound means our child is awake. Make sure they are ACTUALLY awake and give them a minute to see what they will do. This allows them the opportunity to resettle and if it’s a short nap, that’s okay you can adjust the next wake window!

Know When to Expect Sleep Disruptions: Sleep speed bumps often align with developmental milestones. If you know when to expect a regression in sleep, you can have the tools/strategies you need in place to navigate it. 

Prioritize Self-Care: Amidst the demands of caring for your baby, don’t forget to care for yourself. Simple activities like a short walk, a relaxing bath, or a moment of mindfulness can significantly contribute to your well-being.

Build a Support Network: Joining a support group connects you with fellow parents facing similar challenges. It’s a space to share experiences, advice, and reassurances. Remember, no one is perfect, and asking for help is a sign of strength.

Breaking Free from the Perfectionism Trap:


Perfection is a myth, both in sleep and in parenthood. Embrace the imperfections, and you’ll find that both you and your baby can experience more restful nights. You’re doing an amazing job, and remember, it’s okay for sleep to not to be perfect every single night.

If, however, your sleep situation is NOT at all working for you, I can help. Together we will get you reaching your sleep goals and ensure that you feel confident when navigating any sleep speed bumps in the future! 

Start with a free sleep evaluation where we can explore your current situation, discuss your sleep goals, and talk about how to bridge the gap and get you to where you want to be.


Rosalie Kassen (she/her)

Founder of Plume Sleep Solutions, Registered Nurse and Paediatric Sleep Consultant.

I work with families all over the world to bring healthy sleep habits and rest back into their homes. Stop simply surviving the parenthood journey and start thriving!