Baby Awake and Smiling

Sleep Coaching

From Birth through 8 Years Old

Sleep is complex, but with my customized sleep education, coaching and support, you can take the guesswork out of why your child isn’t sleeping well. 


Sleep Coaching & Consulting Services


Short Naps? Early Waking? Newborn? We have you covered in our to-the-point sleep coaching masterclasses.

Ask Me Anything Calls

Are you struggling with a sleep issue and while you don’t need private coaching, your “tribe” can’t help either?

Infant Sleeping Through the Night

Private Sleep Coaching

1 on 1 consulting with a Certified Sleep coach, targeting common sleep challenges for children 0-8 years.

Toddlers Playing

Retainer Services

Have you hit a speed bump and need a sleep reboot or wish to keep us on retainer, you bet we offer that!

Finding a Balance is Important to Maintaining Results

Let me be your sleep coach and guide as you navigate this sleep journey. Your success is my success. With the proper balance, education and support we will set your family up for long term, consistent and successful sleep. Stop googling today and let me equip you with a wealth of knowledge and the ability to confidently tackle any sleep speed bumps that come your way. 

Rosalie Kassen sitting at her laptop