Your little one has made it past that ½ year mark! They are probably quite active, curious, playing more and napping less! I often get asked about the “ideal” schedule for babies around 7 months because many caregivers notice that there is a change in sleep patterns. Let’s dive in to look and how those sleep patterns change around this age.
Around 7 months, many babies will move from days focused on “wake windows” to more of a “set schedule”. With the body clock well in place, your little one can finally have a more predictable nap times as you find the right balance of daytime sleep for them.
If your little one has not already transitioned to 2 naps, it may be time. The transition from 3 to 2 naps tends to happen anywhere between 5-7 months.
Not sure if your little one is ready? Look for these signs that your little one is ready for the nap transition!
- Your child is at the appropriate age: in this case, between 5-7 months.
- The last nap of the day starts to interfere with bedtime.
- Your baby does not seem tired and appears to have difficulty falling asleep (ex: playing and babbling in crib for over 20 minutes).
- Early mornings are becoming your normal. Early mornings can be caused by a variety of things, so rule out any other potential cause before dropping the nap. My early mornings masterclass can take you through that!
- You baby starts to have consistently shorter naps. If your baby has always had short naps, make sure to check out my short naps masterclass to help you troubleshoot those!
Wake Windows:
At seven months your baby will developmentally need slightly longer wake windows of about 3-3.5 hours. Once on two naps, I generally move to a “set schedule” where the naps are at a set time and I use a wake window to determine bedtime (based on how the second nap went).
Total Daytime Sleep:
You will aim for about 3 hours total daytime sleep. This can be with two 1.5 hour naps or one 2 hour nap and one 1 hour nap.
Your little one will have about 4-6 feedings per day for a total of 24-32 oz in a 24 hour period. You can start offering solids 2-3x/day making sure to include a variety of iron rich options. Take a look at my “baby tummy size” document to help guide you.
Reminder: If you are struggling with feedings or have any concerns, please discuss with your paediatrician, primary health care provider and a lactation consultant.
Most seven month olds will require a 3-3.5 hour wake window before bedtime. Make sure that the last nap of the day ends by 4:00PM if you are aiming for a 7-7:30PM bedtime.
Tip: If your little one is in the middle of the nap transition, it is normal for naps to get worse before they get better. Do not be afraid to bring bedtime up to 6PM through the transition if necessary. You want to avoid your baby going into the night overtired.
Overnight feeds:
Many babies of this age (who are gaining weight appropriately), biologically do not require a feed overnight anymore if they are getting the required nutrition during daytime hours. However, please always discuss any changes to your little one’s feeding schedule with your primary health care provider or paediatrician first.
Sample Schedule:
Wake: 6:30AM
Feed: 6:45AM
Solids: 7:30AM
Top up Feed: Not all babies will need, but you can offer around 8:15AM
Nap 1: 9:30-11:30AM
Feed: 11:45AM
Solids: 12:30PM
Top up Feed: Not all babies will need, but you can offer around 1:45PM
Nap 2: 2:30-3:30PM
Feed: 3:45PM
Solids: 5:00PM
Top up Feed: You should be offering a top up feed before night time around 6:00PM.
Bedtime Routine: 6:15/6:30PM
Bedtime: 6:45/7:00PM
Is your 7 month old continuing to struggle with sleep and do you feel like you have tried everything? You are not alone, I can help. Let me show you how to navigate your child’s sleep with the guidance and support you need. It is possible for your family to feel rested and regain control. It is never too late to make changes! Book a call with me today so we can discuss what is going on with your child’s sleep.