In my last blog we talked about how to know if your child is ready for a nap transition and what signs to look for (if you are unsure, read it here).Remember, that the timing of nap transitions will look different for each baby. Today we are going to jump in to HOW to drop a nap when your little one is ready.
The 4 to 3 Nap Transition
When: Generally between 4-5 months of age when your little one is able to tolerate slightly longer wake windows (~1.75-2.25 hours).
- Start by pushing each nap of the day by 15 minutes every 3 days.
- Stop once you get to your desired schedule.
For example: a 5 month old schedule with 2-2.25hr wake windows.
Wake: 6:30am
Nap 1: 8:30am (1.5 hours)
Nap 2: 12:15pm (1.5 hours)
Nap 3: 4:00pm (1 hour)
Bedtime: 7:15pm
On three naps a day, we often still work off wake windows so no day will look exactly the same but some things to plan for:
- Nap 1 should be no earlier than 8:30AM, the following two naps will be based off wake windows.
- Total daytime sleep should be about 4 hours.
The 3 to 2 Nap Transition
When: Generally between 5-8 months of age when your little one is able to tolerate ~ 3 hour wake windows.
- Push naps by 15-30 minutes every 3 days.
- Stop once you get to your desired schedule.
For example: a 7 month old schedule with 3hr wake windows.
Wake: 6:30am
Nap 1: 9:30am (1.5 hours)
Nap 2: 2:30pm (1.5 hours)
Bedtime: 7:00pm
On two naps a day, move to more of a set schedule to work with you child’s body clock. That being said, bedtime does not have to be set in stone! If naps are short, move bedtime earlier.
- Nap 1 should be no earlier than 9:30AM.
- Total daytime sleep should be about 3 hours.
You may also see increased crying at the start of the nap. This is also normal. If the nap length worsens, you may need to include a short 30 minute cat nap in the PM or move bedtime earlier to 6pm for the transition.
The 2 to 1 Nap Transition
When: Generally between 12-18 months of age. This can be a bumpy transition, but stay consistent and commit once you have started.
- Delay the morning nap by 30 minutes every 3 days.
- Stop once you reach a nap time of 12:30PM.
- Total daytime sleep will be usually between 2-3 hours and bridge the day.
For example: a 13 month old schedule.
Wake: 7:00am
Nap 1: 12:30am (2.5 hours)
Bedtime: 7:00pm
Your baby will seem tired at their usual time during the transition. Try some of the suggestions below to help extend the morning wake window.
- Offer a morning snack (ex: fruit and yogurt)
- Get outside for fresh air and a change of scenery
- Sensory play (ex: water)
- AVOID: car or stroller rides
Don’t be afraid of an early bedtime during the transition. Be patient and don’t get discouraged. The full transition can take 4-6 weeks!
Not sure if your baby is ready to drop a nap?
Make sure to read out my previous blog post about nap transitions and how to know when they should happen!
And if you are looking for other sample schedules, be sure to check out my FREE Resource Library to download comprehensive sample schedules by age.
Next time we are going to talk about the end of nap time… many parents dread this day but we will talk about how to make the transition while ensuring you and your child still get some down time!
Rosalie Kassen (She/her)
Founder of Plume Sleep Solutions, RN and Paediatric Sleep Consultant.
Working with families all over the world to bring healthy sleep habits and rest back into their homes. Stop surviving and start thriving!